Our Recommendations Technology

A different approach to generating highly engaging & personalised content recommendations
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Find out how we can help bring great recommendations to you products. Offering a consistent personalised discovery experience across products and platforms. Integrate into your CRM tools to drive engagement.

We use the latest AI/ML techniques that take implicit and explicit signals from users to produce content recommendations.

Our approach is not constrained by a signal model but instead facilitates competition between a variety of models. Each is scored per user given a particular context: device, time of the day, day of the week, watching with others, and other content discovery activity within a session.

Learn how we can help you

Aggregating various feeds & matching with metadata to produce a unified dataset is a significant technical challenge. It is a problem we can solve for you.

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Utelly search function and content library.Utelly Data Management portalUtelly search function animation.Utelly content library animation.